A new story emerges from within the murky world of Clockwork Watch, leading to a kick arse crowdfunding concept. This will hopefully be the first of many independent projects to launch from inside our storyworld. This proposition is based on a co-created story arc and has been masterminded by Haley Moore aka @toenolla.
We take NO commission, ownership of IP or have creative control of this project, and are extremely proud that Haley’s taken the opportunity to launch with us.
Here’s Haley:
“After six months of constant prototyping, intense planning and caffeine-fueled story development, my new project, Laser Lace Letters, has finally gone up on Kickstarter. It’s a unique project with elements of handcrafting, fragmented storytelling, and design. Also, it brings together two of my favorite things: steampunk, and lasers.
Laser Lace Letters is a line of laser-cut felt cameo pins that I designed and prototyped at Dallas Makerspace. I’ll be making for everyone who pledges for them during the Kickstarter. They’re designed to be worn like a button or a badge: on a lapel, a backpack, a purse, or even on a hat.”
Find out more about the Laser Lace Letters and support Haley